Who’s ready to get married!

You’re super excited to plan your wedding, but there’s just too much to do! Too many options, vendors, venues. Let us take some of the weight off and cover all your hair & makeup needs!

Our team of bridal beauty girls are making today all about you! Let us do our amazing work while you get ready for your special day with bubbly drinks to lighten the mood before festivities.

We look forward to working with you on your big day!

Do you really need a wedding makeup artist & hairstylist? Let us tell you why you do!

We know what works- and what doesn’t. Wedding hair & makeup is completely different than your everyday makeup. You’ll be partying, crying, sweating, all the fun things- the last thing you want to worry about is it your makeup and hair coming apart.

We know what photographs well- you probably know this, but your makeup needs to be done differently for photos. We apply the right amount so it shows up beautifully in photos without looking clownish.

We do great work and fast- there are already pressures on your wedding day, don’t let doing your own hair & makeup be one of them. No struggling to get those lashes on!

Bridal & Wedding Inquiries